UV-C Technology in Off-Shore Living Quarters

The quality of air plays a decisive role in people’s well-being. The risk of infections caused by air contaminated with microbes is particularly high in confined spaces such as offshore living quarters.

Bacteria, viruses and mould spores spread rapidly via the air and can pose a threat to health – from feeling unwell to serious illness. UV-C radiation reduces the level of employee absence due to illness


It had been clearly proved that employee absence due to sickness caused by microbial and endotoxic contamination of ventilation and air conditioning systems can be drastically reduced by the integration of UV-C systems.

The study showed that UV-C radiation led to a 99% reduction in the concentration of microbes and endotoxins in the ventilation systems.

Respiratory problems in the persons studied fell by 40% and mucus membrane problems were reduced by 30%. Complaints involving muscular aches fell by 50% in the non-smoking group.


Our UV-C Disinfection Systems are adaptable and can be fitted either on deck or within the vessel itself to both essential and non-essential systems. The UV-C emitters and fixtures are manufactured from IP20 to IP67 (depending on the system needed) and control panels and controls meet ATEX Standards.

Within our extensive range of products, smaller units are available for use on crew boats, supply boats and other service and support vessels. Units can also be installed in the Galley to help maintain meats, fruit and vegetables by extending the shelf life.

We strongly believe that these UV-C Systems will provide significant protection in the offshore environment, where close living quarters increases the risk of infection and transference of bacteria and viruses which is detrimental to the wellbeing and productivity of personnel.

UVc Disinfection Technology

The Maritime Executive FPSO Ichthys Venturer - We fitted this vessel with UV-C disinfection. Enquire about your project today.
Air Stream air conditioning duct module

UVc Radiation Reduces Risk to Health

The systems from Advanced Air Hygiene can reduce the concentration of microbes and endotoxins by up
to 99.9% and can result in up to:

Employee absence due to sickness caused by microbiological contamination of ventilation and air condi-
tioning systems may be drastically reduced by the integration of UVc systems.